The northern nobles felt Elizabeths advisors were responsible for many of these policy changes. Many reasons led to discontent between Spain and England. The Spanish had a greater army and Dudleys army was significantly smaller. Nevertheless, the answer has sustained conceptual focus and is wide-ranging in its analysis. Elizabeth's greatest problem in 1558 was the threat of invasion. There are 4 main exam boards used in the UK. Mary was married to Philip II of Spain. Parents: Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. The failure of the colonisation was due to: the resistance of the Native Americans; conflict amongst the English settlers (who collectively had the wrong mix of skills to make the settlement a real success); the loss of supplies via the damage incurred on The Tiger and the fact that the voyage set off too late for crops to be planted (causing dependence on the rightfully suspicious Native Americans). 2022 Youth Conference - post conference 4 month challenge! Elizabeth also felt she had no right to execute a legitimate monarch but also, executing a queen could set a dangerous precedent that could undermine her own claim to rule by Divine Right and fuel more plots against her. Protestants (notably John Knox) initially claimed female rule was unnatural or monstrous, while Roman Catholics judged . A very detailed response which demonstrates excellent subject knowledge and reaches a clear judgement based on justifiable criteria. Between the period between 1577 and 1580, Drake sailed around the world and carried out a number of raids on Spanish settlements and ships. In 1554 Mary had Elizabeth imprisoned in the Tower of London, briefly threatened her with execution, and then placed her under house arrest. - Financial issues may have led to her loosing powerful allies as she could not give important people grant patronages. Instead, Drakes plan was to attack the port of Cadiz, which wasnt as well defended. They began to revolt against the Spanish. Nevertheless, the answer has sustained conceptual focus and is wide-ranging in its analysis. Another problem Elizabeth I had when she ascended to the throne in 1558 was the problems she had with illegitimacy. Another suitor for Elizabeth was Prince Eric of Sweden, later King Eric of Sweden. Am I doing my History A-Level coursework correctly? Throughout her reign, Elizabeth was engaged in expensive financial issues, especially foreign policy. Elizabeth I inherited a position of war with France, which was declared by Mary in 1556. Over the last 40 years there had been 3 different rulers, Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I all of which had very different views on religion and running the country. By August 1986, Walsingham had gathered enough evidence to dismantle the plot. With no clear military successes for Dudley, he resigned his post in 1587 and returned to England. Moreover, when Henry executed Anne Boleyn in 1536, Henry VIII himself declared Elizabeth illegitimate (although this situation was later reversed). In April 1587, Drake sailed to Cadiz and began attacking the anchored ships there. He then banned English trade with the Netherlands for a period of time which damaged Englands economy and caused much hardship for the English people. "The little Queen of Scots is the most perfect child that I have ever seen," King Henry II of France proclaimed soon after meeting his new charge (Mary of Guise had stayed in Scotland to rule . To her credit, when Elizabeth died in 1603, the nation was only in debt to the tune of 350,000 - 123,000 more than in 1558, but spread over the duration of her reign, this represented just under 3,000 a year. In 1558, England and Spain were still allies against France, but King Philip of Spain (who had been married to Mary) hated Protestantism with a passion. After inheriting the throne from her sister Mary I, Elizabeth was 300,000 in debt. The war against France ended in 1559, and following Elizabeths accession, they tried to maintain good relations between the two countries. Looking back at historical examples, it might be because they did a . This was an important symbolic gesture, which angered Philip II. One reason Dudley failed was that he wasnt a talented general or tactician. Norfolk was also expected to marry Mary. (1583) was a threat to Queen Elizabeth. France however, thought her intention was to create war between France and Spain while England looked on. English ships departed from Plymouth to meet the Armada. ( Public Domain ) Henry VIII was succeeded by his son Edward VI who reigned for a mere six years before succumbing to tuberculosis at the age of 15. Francis Drake led an attack at Cadiz on the Spanish fleet, who were preparing for an invasion of the English. However, the settlement was abandoned and no trace of the colonists was ever found. Moreover, a child would create more stability domestically and nullify challenges to the throne (like that from Mary Queen of Scots) as a political vacuum would have been filled. He also used double agents to infiltrate Catholic networks. 214 High Street, Copy. By the end of Elizabeths reign, the navy was also playing an important role in settling up an English colony in North America. [This last point is important and often students dont embrace the anomalies for fear that it will undermine their argument. They had enjoyed religious freedom under Queen Mary, Elizabeth's sister, and they were now being. The rebellion involved a force of approximately 5500 men and, for approximately a month, the north of England (from Alnwick to Pontefract, east of the Pennines) was in the control of the northern earls. The leading figure involved in the plot was Francis Throckmorton, a young Catholic man who carried messages between Mary and Catholic conspirators abroad. - The threat increased by the fact that Spain and France were catholic, but Elizabeth had chosen to move her country towards Protestantism. No Payment details required and completelyRisk Free. The English had drastically improved their shipbuilding techniques which gave them several technological advantages. The Ridolfi Plot of 1571 and later the Throckmorton and Babington Plots, of 1583 and 1586 respectively, all involved the aim of placing Mary on the throne. The plan was supported by various Catholic nobles, including the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland as this would mean Elizabeth (a Protestant) could be succeeded by a Catholic queen. The child cried when he saw the _______ of his favorite toy in the driveway. To know the dates for your GCSE exams for 2020, you firstly need to identify which exam board you are studying for your subject. From 1574, with the help of the Pope, Catholic priests were also being smuggled into England to continue the spread of the Catholic faith. Henry believed that Elizabeth wanted France to go to war with Spain while England looked on and would benefit from the probable weakening of both. July 31st: Battle of Plymouth two Spanish ships were captured. What were the causes of westward Elizabeth had given financial help to the rebels, however, remained reluctant to provoke King Phillip by getting directly involved. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Another serious contender was Francis, Duke of Alencon, later Duke of Anjou. Another extremely important problem Elizabeth faced were the threats from the Auld Alliance of France and Scotland, two Catholic countries that England was sandwiched between. This plot was supported by the Pope and King Phillip II, who agreed to provide troops for a Spanish invasion. LS23 6AD Pope, Head of Catholic church would excommunicate her. The invasion would include the murder of Elizabeth and the placing of Mary, Queen of Scots on the throne. Spain did not control a deep water port where the Armada could anchor safely and this left them extremely vulnerable to an attack while it waited for Parmas troops to escape the Dutch blockade. Born: 7 September 1533. As Catholics do not believe in divorce it means that the marriage between Henry and Catherine was never dissolved, and therefore, the marriage with Anne never happened, and as a result of this Elizabeth was an illegitimate child and had no right to the throne of England. Which three countries were a threat to England and Elizabeth? In response to the Throckmorton Plot, Elizabeths advisors drafted the Bond of Association, which was aimed at deterring any further plots. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. The Spanish attempted to regroup at Gravelines, however, the weather made it impossible for them to reform their defensive crescent formation which opened up an opportunity for the English to intercept and attack. The lack of money was problematic because it meant England was potentially vulnerable to attack (and Elizabeth had no means by which to defend the country militarily). This partly explained why harsher treatment of Catholics occurred soon after, led by the Council of the North. Therefore, Elizabeths legitimacy was questioned because of the marriage between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. As such, I disagree with the statement. [A range of examples and wide-ranging knowledge really help explore the extent of this problem facing Elizabeth.]. The raid on Cadiz proved to be a major setback for King Phillips plans to invade England and delayed the Armada by more than a year. This attack proved to be a major setback for Spanish preparation for the Armada. Why religious compromise was so difficult. However, the Dutch had always governed themselves. Many people did not want a foreigner influencing England policy. There are many reasons for this, including interference in English affairs from the Pope, Elizabeth's role in the Dutch revolt (which angered Catholic Spain), Mary Queen of Scots' arrival in England in 1568 and the rebellion in 1569 that was led by the Catholic Earls Northumberland and Westmoreland. Elizabeth I - reigned from 1558-1603 Elizabeth I's first rebellion to deal with was the Shane O'Neill Rebellion, which occurred in Ireland and lasted from 1558-1567. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - conclusion. Englands victory over the Spanish navy in 1588 contributed to their development as a strong naval power to rival Spain. Most people in . The war was going badly for England. France, Spain and Scotland were all Catholic countries in 1558. These privateers also raided Spanish ships and attacked the treasure fleets that carried gold and silver from the Americas to Spain. If Elizabeth made England a Protestant country, he could become a dangerous enemy. Sue Gray quits the civil service to become Starmer's aide: is it a big deal? Drake was the first English person to achieve this (and the second person in history at the time). In July, the Spanish fleet was seen off Cornwall and signal fires known as beacons were lit along the south coast to send the news to the Elizabeth who was in London. This was important because it demonstrated the strength of Catholic feeling within England and highlighted how Elizabeth, after 11 years, was still vulnerable to English Catholics. There were two important reasons why France was seen as a threat to England. The answer does touch upon the issue of religion but this could be extended further to acknowledge the extensive divisions within society given the preceding tumultuous changes (a brief mention of the role of the puritans for example could help). Legitimacy of succession: The Pope did not recognise Henry VIII's marriage to Anne. 2002-2023 Tutor2u Limited. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th point + evidence. Elizabeth was born on 7th September 1533 to Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. In Europe, the 1570s saw some of the worst atrocities of the protracted fall-out of the Reformation. Company Reg no: 04489574. Many colonists this time were poverty-stricken Londoners (it was felt they would be used to hard work and would therefore be happy to work for a new life in the New World). Best Answer. One last thing to consider was the fact that Elizabeth was unmarried and childless. The English army was also poorly equipped and Elizabeth did not provide sufficient funds to pay for the English troops. Elizabeth had also claimed all the profits from copper mines that were discovered in his estates which meant he lost a significant amount of money too. In January 1558, the french conquered Calais, England's last remaining territory on the European mainland. Surviving colonists abandon Virginia and return to England. The reasons for, and consequences of, the English victory. James also pledged to help Elizabeth if invaded. "The Scarlet Ibis" would be a different story if it were told from Doodle's point of view. This was signed by the English nobility and gentry and required the signatories to execute anyone who attempted to overthrow the Queen. She was the last monarch of the Tudor period. King Phillip II had been married to Queen Mary I of England and the two had been allies in a war against France in the 1550s. The use of fireships by the British exposed this weakness. This meant that Elizabeth was declared illegitimate as her claim to the throne comes through the marriage of Anne to Henry. However, it should be noted that one reason for the eventual crushing of the revolt is because the vast majority of Catholics in the north stayed loyal to Elizabeth and did not revolt, suggesting that Elizabeth did not face a threat from all Catholics within England, but enough of a threat to be permanently suspicious. [The conclusion establishes relative importance and explains why one factor was more important than another.]. The powerful countries in Europe at that time - France and Spain - were Catholic and the plots against Elizabeth often . The English sent 8 fireships loaded with flammable materials in the middle of the night towards the anchored Spanish ships. This was seen as a huge blow for English pride as England had territory in France for hundreds of years. The Throckmorton plot was a conspiracy to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots in 1583. Elizabeth and Philipthese two powerful peoplewould begin their relationship peacefully, even warmly, but they would become enemies, facing off in a battle of empires and faiths that would . He was the son of King Henry VIII by his third wife, Jane Seymour.Throughout the realm, the people greeted the birth of a male heir, "whom we hungered for so long", with joy and relief. Elizabeth was inheriting a terrible situation, which she had to sort out. They were not able to do this because the English used their greater manoeuvrability to stay out of range while firing broadsides (massive barrages of cannonballs) that could sink the Spanish ships. This was a huge sum of money, especially when you consider the annual income of the Crown was approximately 286,000. These ensured the plots were uncovered before they could be fully developed. Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland was part of the Rising in the North in 1569. If this union between Scotland and France became something, Spain could help England by attacking France from below. 2) This war was not a success. Robert Dudley was the Earl of Leicester and during the time of the conflict involving the Netherlands, he was appointed to lead the military expedition to the Netherlands. Spouse: None. Her first husband, Francis II, had died in December 1560. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. Approximately 30 ships were destroyed and tonnes of supplies were also seized including food and weapons. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. From there we will look at the career . In the eyes of the Spanish, Drake was a pirate however in the eyes of the English and Elizabeth, he was a patriot. Elizabeth made England protestant, which caused tension with the rest of Europe as they were heavily catholic (such as Spain and France). The Northern Earls staged a rebellion (1569) centred around Mary, aiming to depose Elizabeth and crown Mary, raising tension between the two monarchs. Describe two features of Mary Queen of Scots' threat to Elizabeth I. Cleopatra, Queen Victoria and many more. The defeat of the Northern Earls showed there was little appetite for a Catholic revolution. King Phillip saw the signing of the 1585 Treaty of Nonsuch as a declaration fo war on Spain and in response, he began to build a huge fleet of ships known as an Armada to invade England with. In total, less than 10000 men and half the fleet made it back to Spain. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 1st explanation. Mary's Catholicism and previous alliance with France increased the threat of a French invasion in support of her, which threatened the stability of Elizabeth's kingdom. When Elizabeth I acquired the English throne in 1558, many believed due to the religious decisions of her predecessors, dating back to Henry VIII's reign, Elizabeth had inherited a country that was predominantly Catholic in belief. Roberto di Ridolfi was an Italian banker who played a small role in the Revolt of the Northern Earls. Describe two features of the threats posed to Elizabeth in 1558 3. The Spanish plan to meet the Duke of Parma at Dunkirk was seriously flawed. As the closest person to God in the eyes of the Catholics, obeying the Pope was of paramount importance and this meant Elizabeth had to be suspicious of other Catholic threats at home. France was to be a constant thorn in the side of Elizabeth I throughout her reign. Foreign threat: Spain and France were the most powerful countries in Europe and were Catholic. One way in which Mary was central to the Catholic threat was through her part in various plots to overthrow Elizabeth. The French were Catholic but did not have the same hostility to English Protestantism as Spain was. In 1580, she received treasure from Sir Francis Drake from his exploits which was worth more than all the rest of her income for that year put together. The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, finally removed the on-going threat at home from Catholics who wanted to replace Elizabeth with her. This increased tension between England and Spain. The relative strength of France and weakness of England was further compounded by the fact that Elizabeth had to recognize the loss of Calais to France under the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis in 1559, following a disastrous English military campaign under the reign of Elizabeth's predecessor, Mary I. Calais had been in English hands since 1347. The Spanish Armada sailed in 1588 and was completely defeated by the English. By instinct, Elizabeth was a Norfolk was killed in 1572. The reasons for, and significance of, the Revolt of the Northern Earls, 156970. Company Reg no: 04489574. The plot failed as it was discovered by Francis Walsingham, Elizabeths principal secretary and spymaster, who placed Throckmorton under surveillance for several months. There are many reasons for this, including interference in English affairs from the Pope, Elizabeths role in the Dutch revolt (which angered Catholic Spain), Mary Queen of Scots arrival in England in 1568 and the rebellion in 1569 that was led by the Catholic Earls Northumberland and Westmoreland. The Netherlands had been part of the Spanish empire since the 1550s. This was one of the more serious courtships of Elizabeth's reign. Sir Robert Naunton recorded that the queen once said angrily to Leicester, when he tried to insist upon a favour, "I will have here but one mistress and no master." Student / English exports to Europe were vital to the English economy and reached the European market via the Dutch ports, particularly Antwerp. Foreign Affairs. The ships that did manage to make the journey back ran short of supplies, and many men died of starvation and disease. The French Catholic League signed this treaty with Philip II of Spain. - Overall, I think the threat of invasion was one of Elizabeth's problems when she became queen as both Spain and France were powerful countries who had reasons to invade England and this was increased as Spain and France could unite against Protestant England. On November 1569, the Earls managed to capture Durham and proceeded to celebrate Catholic Mass in the Cathedral before marching south in the direction of Tutbury, Derbyshire where Mary was imprisoned. Elizabeth wasnt able to publically acknowledge his achievements and when the Spanish Armada attempted to invade England in 1588, he was the vice-admiral in command of the English fleet that helped successfully defend the attack. [The importance of dates and chronology help demonstrate the long- term impact of Marys presence, which helps support the initial judgement.]. The plots were often uncovered due to Elizabeths informants and Walsinghams highly efficient spy network. In 1571, he developed a plot to overthrow Elizabeth using his Catholic contacts in England and Europe. The threat of invasion was heavy as England was in the midst of strongly Catholic countries in Europe, who saw Elizabeth's Protestantism as a threat to their own countries and a major problem. Edward was succeeded by Mary, who in turn ruled for five years until her death in 1558. The threat of France to Elizabeth's rule Elizabeth had two main problems concerning France: She inherited a bad relationship with France from her predecessor Queen Mary I. France were.
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