I liken him to one of the philosophers Paul addressed so wisely in Acts 17only, of course, Peterson is already familiar with the Christian story. God does not give up on you, people say. May our great God grant you wisdom to write more so that you can continue become a blessing for others in pain and those in great agony. I was advised to send a letter to demand the reason for my dismissal, so I sent an e-mail to Misty McLaughlin at Bridges of Canada. Philip Yancey's Alumni Award Remarks - Wheaton College Everyone wants to focus on politics. I read Wher Is God When It Hurts and I just finished your book a Question That Never Goes Away. The Envelope He said, I just wanted to come and say hello. Interview: Philip Yancey on U.S. Christianity, Faith That Matters To attain salvation, should we trust the gospeland repent? I came from a Jewish family and although began following the Holy Spirit then I was un-churched for my first five years. My heart swells here with my people and God has a special calling for us. We have had this discussion about Christianity when you came to Dubai a few years back! Before one Meeting, I happened to notice a book on a packed bookshelf titled Easy Donald is against killing unborn babies. However! So these are harsh days. Marsha Linehan, a fellow sufferer/expert on mental health who is Catholic, once remarked that the likes of us are in hell, so to speak and we need all the help we can get to get out. God be with You, I live in Cape Town, South Africa. And I doubt that I am with Christians. I read quite a bit so I may have lost memory of where this story originated. Paul acted as if he was in charge of the chaplaincy office. Great story! Coming from that background, I know how difficult it can be to sort out what to retain and what to jettison. A couple of weeks ago while Christmas shopping I had the urge to order Whats so Amazing About Grace. I didnt have a particular person in mind, but I couldnt shake off the desire to buy the book. I have been a fan of your writing for almost 20 years and appreciate your voice being in modern-day discussions about grace, love, etc. I fell now I will have to say I am sorry to my children after reading your book. I have a question. Philip, The second is the reference to a spirit of deafness and muteness. Mr. Yancey, I make friends with them, chat, and occasionally buy a hungry lady a pie or a can of juice, or even just fetch them a drink of water. The best book on Hell I know is The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis. When I questioned Paul about writing to the Commissioner about this, he told me that this was perfectly okay. I worried it was blasphemous and put it down and was afraid to read it again for a long while. Enjoyed very much your message video to folks in Newtown. Kathleen Norris and Richard Rohr are also helpful, especially Rohrs template of Order/Disorder/Reorder. I am not at either extreme of the gay issue , I am just me who loves people no matter their struggles in life . My blog is called Calledtowatch.com, and as I prepared to make it live, I read your book Where is God when it hurts? which had been sitting on my bookshelf for a while. Ive thought of a simple little one-room bookstore in my tiny country town where I could sit and read and perhaps interact with the visitors who come looking for books and Jesus. Katie, I cant tell you how this warms my heart. For the 6 months I have been wrestling a great deal with nihilism. Suddenly, I remembered word for word the Twenty-Third Psalm. As I am around southern evanglicals (I live in small-town Arkansas), it seems, now that Trump has already been elected, that they are looking for just any semi-reasonable excuse for still supporting him. ChristianityTodayLibrary.com newsletter January 21, 2008 reproduced in, Soul Survivor: How My Faith Survived the Church, "Library of Congress Authority Record: Yancey, Philip", "Soul Survivor Philip Yancey "About the Author", https://nypost.com/2011/12/25/in-my-library-jimmy-carter/, Official biography by Zondervan Publishing, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Philip_Yancey&oldid=1135826760, Short description is different from Wikidata, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 January 2023, at 02:40. I made a profession of faith in 1971. One question that just wont go away for me is the story of Israel conquering the Promised Land. The book I referenced above is a second book Im developing, however I have my first book coming out later this spring entitled Amazed Why the Humanity of Jesus Matters. The fact that I was sexually abused as a teenager and still struggle with same-sex attraction was used as a weapon against me, even though I have honored my vows to God and the church by being celibate for 42 years. How is this logic possible? Stumbling upon Disappointment in God and Where is God When it Hurts where a God send! I do not know what the future holds and I do worry about the next generation. Namely, who is God and what is grace. I wanted to send you a book by my second favorite writer Calvin Miller but cant find your address. Finally someone who was honest. Thank you! You confirm my suspicions. Similar to many others, I understand church hurt but when you knew there is a Christ that can relate and cares. Better for my wife and kids, undoubtedly. As the Bible said, Therefore, I tell you her many sins have been forgivenfor she loved much. I have purchased the Participants Guide (Zondervan 2000) and the DVD (both have the pink cover with pasture and fence). There is much wisdom in what you say, and your comments will give me something 3. Thats an important part of history we need to learn from. A big hug in return. A "sometimes reluctant Christian" who has spent his entire adult life recovering from the "toxic" fundamentalist church of his childhood, Yancey walked away from religion in college. Thanks. But Christianity is completely the opposite. Judy. Capt. My Personal Pilgrimage, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1998. Is there someone I can contact for permission? This is our home, and this is all weve got. Scott Carpenter, Mecury 7, When youre finally up at the moon looking back on earth, all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and youre going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell cant we learn to live together like decent people. Frank Borman, Apollo 8, You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. Keep quiet. Nevertheless, Monty, Frank and I had an ongoing close relationship, both personally and professionally. Just like the Hague revoked the tax exempt status of the Church of Scientology this week, Id revoke them all. And as the Chairman of Youth With A mission International living comfortably in the UK still, he refuses to apologize for what was done to me. I received an e-mail reply from him shortly afterwards, confirming my dismissal but providing no reason for it [36]. I am ashamed about not having written to thank you decades ago. and Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? Went to a book store in Singapore, where I found most of your books, but couldnt find any of Buechners. I told him that I did not say anything of the sort, that such behavior is completely out of character for me as a person. We paused to have a cup of coffee when I learned she was widowed the same year my spiritual quest had begun. Philip. I pray that youll find what youre looking for. thanks for sharing, I didnt read all of the responses above mine, so I hope Im not repeating someone before me. I wanted to do the thing that I loved the most, so I applied. I am also a social worker. Best-Selling Author Philip Yancey Exclusive Interview In January of 2017, an inmate gave me a very large envelope to take to V and C for mailing. . Thank you very much! Philip Yancey - Amazing Grace? - Lighthouse Trails Research You will see me more because there are questions I really want to ask you and That might stir up some interesting discussion! Thank you for asking the hard questions! Phillip, You have a way of expressing yourself that brings such clarity to my Christian experience. Jesus has my faith well in hand but Philip Yancey has helped me keep my sanity. "You perceive yourself as a besieged minority of truth and everyone else is out there straying. Anyway, I really enjoy your books and your devotional is one of two that I read every day, along with my Bible. Strangely, I can find most of them articulated in the Bible itselfJob, Lamentations, Habakkukso were in good company. Increase your biblical knowledge or pursue a career in ministry. Its an ongoing search, and I prefer it that way to the times in church history (think pre-Vatican 2) when the church tells you exactly what to believe and what books are contraband. If were sad, were allowed to express it. Philip Yancey - Person - BioLogos Here is the story. I just came back from a mission trip with Greg and others from Southeast in April where we got to go to Damoh as well as the Siliguri area. Philip. Ive seen interviews in which he broke down in tears speaking of Jesus, and another in which he paused quite some time before answering that, No, he did not believe in Jesus bodily resurrection. Here is a poem from my book: One Secret, 101 Life Changing Poems , WE need to rename an ancient subterfuge passed down the ages Philip. Im still working on it (being more graceful). The spiritual insights I learned are amazing. It touched me deeply. In this case, she would then have been married off to someone else, without whom she would have been a completely unprotected, economically destitute woman. I saw tears running down his face and I knew if they could, they wouldve taken the whole group of kids home with them. She said, Then he saw me out of the corner of his eye. That was 4 years ago and today I still struggle with my flesh but I know He truly loves me! All I can say is Wow! Over a few months I got to know them ,things did not seem right ,they were controlling and closed,ridged in their beliefs . He was shocked by such a question, and said there was no security issue concerning me. I want to SEE God. I found it as I was searching if theres any of your events I could participate. But suddenly I arrived to Chapter 7 in yours Vanishing Grace and God struck me lovingly with your words. Physical Assault Vanishing grace imacted me in a way it is hard to explain all histories inside the book, all thoughts on it every word of it impacted me a lot. I applaud Yancey for his disarming honesty and for giving us a story that will cause us to reflect about our own life and also to thank God for his wisdom and grace. My stand for the vulnerable cost me my career, my home and my health. Your book Disappointment with God is the reason I found God in my life. Youre not alone. Heather. We went to the chapel and to my office, and Mrs. Cunningham introduced me to Paul Vanderham, the other chaplain. One sentence later he says, amazingly, We go through suffering not alone, but with God at our side. On what grounds can you make the statement? I have yet to receive a reply. He's become a skeptic, constantly on the faculty's prayer list. The loud noise smashes God out of my mind. You warm my heart, Hannah. I am a biological male happily married to another male, and although I respect your difficult decision to keep an open dialogue on homosexuality, I dont believe your attitude is morally defensible. Im sure you have an opinion on the matter. Thank you for providing encouragement to those like me who secretly need reassurance when following conviction and taking positions that lose many friends. I could not understand why some people in authority thought it was okay to use children as sex toys, and to abuse the elderly and disabled. I arrived in Canada and was told by the Immigration Officer in Quebec that I was not welcome in Quebec, I left my documents in the taxi from the airport and went to the Montreal Police to report them lost and was told if I could not write the report in French they would not help me, goodbye. One will be desired to read more from your knowledge of write ups. Mr Yancey, Despite having traveled a vast distance from my conservative Christian origins, Ive never ceased to be moved his books. I am one of prayer who is praying for Korea to be united in Jesus Christ and also to awe the Lord. Ive recently been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, an illness not considered an illness by everyone but me, the psychologist, and a friend. While reading your book called Whats so amazing about grace? , I found their answers was full of contradictions. If anyone will manage to get a fire going under my butt to get me writing more just reading your writings would do it! Your essay Rumors Of Another World always serves as a reminder to me about the brevity of life. I mailed the letter to Brian Harder and Misty McLaughlin by registered mail that evening. I believe that if Im faithful in my Christian walk, others will see love, joy, peace, patience, etc. And Im learning to play the scales (regular prayer times, Bible readings in the morning), and really PLAY them, for the first time in my life. Philip Yancey - Amazing Grace? Theyve been burned by the church, or theyre upset about certain aspects of Christianity. Speaking English is so much more easy than writing! I went through much pain with the Salvation Army anger over them loosing their stronghold. Im trying to follow the bible and have had some pretty amazing things happen since then but now I feel like Im in the great darkness of testing the soul, and it has been a few years of this and Im really hurting. We both grew up in fundamental churches and experienced some of the unfortunate aspects of that that you did. Are Christians truly called to do that, or are there circumstances where this doesnt apply? When I failed to be accepted by a graduate school I had applied to, she said, God knew it would make you proud, so you didnt get in. Later, when I left the rural church I had served for a dozen years in west Texas to go to a suburban church in Ohio, she accused me of abandoning those good people for a big city church; again, because I was proud. As your book reveals, we dont need all the answers. He asked me to send him an updated resume. The body usually wins. What does one do when mercy seems to not exists? You do not do anything that Jesus has taught. I love your spirit. I would like to read the book on Job written by Richard. To further raise awareness of religious discrimination at the Edmonton Institution, I reported this incident to Commissioner Head after my dismissal. Regardless of your preferred candidate, the polling data had predicted a very different outcome than what we all saw happening before our eyes. (With Paul Brand) Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants, HarperCollins (New York, NY), 1993. I have believed in evolution since childhood, grudgingly, but it made no difference, I was always a believer in God. Now their daughters have thrown me out of Bridges, all based on a lies and hate . It made quite an impact on both my wife and I and I actually believe if it were not for that book and The Jesus I Never Knew we would have abandoned our faith. I publish weekly in some important christian media in Spanish and English in Europe, and Im starting a path in which Ive been as influenced by you as much as you tell youve been influenced by Buechner. Philip, Very Informative article. As we struggle with keeping our children safe we also want to help them grow this sentence really reinforced my purpose. I have had open and helpful conversations with the leadership of the school I attended and we are on most excellent terms, so I havent gone behind their backs. More, I dont use the name of that school because Im aware that some of what I write might hurt them. My goal was to make prayer less of a chore,or an obligation, and evidently for you at least I accomplished the opposite. + Reaching For The Invisible God However, by this time both Monty and Frank had died untimely deaths and their two daughters had taken over for their fathers. I do not find comfort in a God that hides. Few months before, my mother-in-law illness finally was cured. My movements were monitored and restriced to a few feet. Ive just published a memoir, Where the Light Fell, which details my own struggle with these same questions. Why? I have indeed read N. T. Wright, and have the highest respect for his scholarship as well as his gentle spirit. I hope youre doing well. I was just wondering how are your days. Excellent thoughts about important questions. The Shack ~ William Young Please translate your books into Urdu (Pakistani) language. Philip Yancey publishes a shining example of "Christian" contradiction. There are so many great references to other famous writers, many of whom were Christians who have struggled in their faith. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. And the other is to ask this question of how? How have you managed to stay on the shelves of Christian bookstores all this time? I have had 3 pregnancy prophesies by 3 different people who did not know my secret hurt.
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