Turn of the century technology such as the automobile and the airplane were capturing the imaginations of Americans and respect was growing for specialists in every field. In 1910 he published the book-length reportMedical Education in the United States and Canadawhich is now known as the Flexner Report. And we firmly believe that the origin of all of our assumptions about how the medical industry should operate can be encapsulated in works like the Flexner Report and their ilk. The truth is, doctors are humans, too, and theyre working under the same pressures and status quo seeded by the development of the Flexner Report thus the need for this examination. The problem with our thinking is systemic and nearly impossible to pinpoint, but if we could start challenging our assumptions we could get somewhere. 3. Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic virus does not exist naturally. I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug. Hes probably one of the most influential men no one has ever heard of. Cancer Tutor is not an anti-science / anti-medicine website. Health journalist S.D. The average cost of cancer treatment is $150,000, so clearly Rockefeller and his precedents were keen to keep the monopoly on this one. Abraham Flexner was not a doctor, but a school teacher and educational theorist from Louisville, Kentucky. Flexner's brother, Abraham, was commissioned by Rockefeller and Henry Pritchett, then-president of the Carnegie Foundation, 5 to write a report on the state of the American medical education system. Based on this report, more than half of all medical colleges were soon closed. Disappearance of Plant Medicine in US history | CED Clinic Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. After all, you cant patent a plant or an essential oil, but you can patent a lab-created molecule that strongly resembles that of the plants. The Flexner Report, published in 1910, played a significant role in this transformation, as it called for medical schools to adopt a more scientific and rigorous approach to education and research. Medical professionals who leaned heavily toward natural healing posed the greatest threat to this standardization because they continued to demonstrate that nature has provided whats necessary to treat or prevent just about any illness. One shocking fact that I found while researching this post was that Rockefeller didnt stop at U.S. borders. There is a lot of. If were given a choice between life changes that would solve root causes or take drugs that can make us believe that our health is under control, our convenience-craving minds will choose drugs almost every time. This report concluded that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all the natural healing modalities which had existed for hundreds of years were unscientific quackery. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. FDA Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Sitemap, Rules When Using Natural Cancer Treatments, Natural Medicine Cancer Clinics Worldwide, Stay up-to-date on the Most Effective Cancer Treatments with WebsterKehr.com, Medical Education in the United States and Canada, 25 Amazing (and Disturbing) Facts About the Hidden History of Medicine, Kehrs curiosity launched the natural medicine benchmark, Why To Ignore What You Hear On Television, BX Energy Catalyst (For Very Weak Patients), Liquid Protocols (e.g. members of your family are autistic, and take no vaccine? How Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine and Killed Natural Cures The Flexner report was conveniently titled Medical Education in the United States and Canada and the 22 page control mechanism was more or less a teamsters union, and medical schools in the U.S. were cut in half by the Flexner Report in less than 15 years, from 160 to 80, and then down below 70 by World War II. Based on this report, more than half of all medical universities were closed a short time later. The high-minded Flexner Report "more successfully legitimated the profession's interest in limiting the number of medical schools and the supply of physicians than anything the AMA might have put out on its own." The result: after peaking at 162 medical schools in 1906, by 1922 the number had been cut in half. I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant: I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow. Health journalist S.D. Luckily, his venture in China mostly failed and the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine was preserved for centuries to come. In a very short time, medical colleges were all homogenized. The state was supposed to, and did, put out of business all medical schools that were proprietary and profit-making, that admitted blacks and women, and that did not specialize in orthodox, allopathic medicine: particularly homeopaths, who were then a substantial part of the medical profession, and a respectable alternative to orthodox allopathy. The monopoly stands. And we firmly believe that the origin of all of our assumptions about how the medical industry should operate can be encapsulated in works like the Flexner Report and their ilk. Through the power of their huge grants, this powerful team systematically dismantled the previous curricula of these medical schools, removing any mention of the healing power of herbs or natural treatments. Can look at my 3000 number family, not all of whom are vaccinated, but all of whom are autistic, is proof. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help. This brought many needed improvements to medical students practical field experience through hands-on learning, but it also built in a strong bias in favor of empirical science (i.e. This concentrated control is the direct cause of the majority of problems with health care today.. So what Flexner did was toattempt to align medical education under a set of norms that emphasized laboratory research and the patenting of medicine both of which would serve to further enrich the estates of the entrepreneurs who funded Flexners 1910 report: John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and others. With this goal, we proudly serve our patients and the community of Los Angeles and beyond. One of our roles though is to challenge assumptions andthe status quo. This newest documentary is about how John D. Rockefeller and his family created modern medicine that destroyed natural cures, herbal medicines and alternative medicine. On behalf of all of us who have autism, and as a person who does not believe in vaccines, I have to say Im tired of seeing that that seems cause autism. In 1910 he published the book-length report Medical Education in the United States and Canada which is now known as the Flexner Report. He had been a graduate of Johns Hopkins University. But for the most part, medicine has become tone deaf to the oath it claims to uphold the Hippocratic oath. Googles Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. Cancer Patients Who Cannot Eat Whole Foods, Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments [Free eBook], Episode 1: Modern Medicine & the Cancer Pandemic, Episode 3: Eliminate These Dirty Dozen To Prevent Cancer, Episode 6: Clean Foods & The Cancer-Free Diet, Episode 7: Diagnostic Dos & Donts Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1, Episode 8: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 2, Episode 9: Proven Treatment Protocols Part 3, How the Flexner Report hijacked natural medicine. But all convenience comes at a cost and with a long-term loss. The professions infatuation with the hyper-rational world of German medicine created an excellence in science that was not balanced by a comparable excellence in clinical caring. It is actually a criminal felony for a medical practitioner to treat cancer with anything but these three modalities. Scientists discovered various vitamins and assumed that many pharmaceutical drugs could be obtained from petroleum. Corozal Town. It is a system that is, for the most part, blind to its own sins and shortcomings.There are many good doctors and other medical professionals who seek to do their best for their patients and who know and seek to challenge the status quo. (look up Farbens involvement in WWII). Flexners corpus was all nerves without the life blood of caring. The Flexner Report in 1910 was used to bury the true medical history Drugs, on the whole (there certainly are exceptions), dont really make people well. Mencken snidely wrote, Kiwanis, like golf, is a symbol of the business mans natural desire to break the dreadful monotony of his days. And, the rest, as they say, is history. He's probably one of the most influential men no one has ever heard of. This report was written by Abraham Flexner, published by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and funded by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations. And speaking of assumptions, we make a few of our own. The business story of Western medicine, in the modern sense, starts with John D. Rockefeller (18391937). So why not also give our health over to science and technology and see if they can also improve and lengthen our lives? Plus,drugs create their own symptoms, sometimes requiring additional drugs to offset their ill effects. Bahamian political party leader and activist arrested! The Flexner Report of 1910 and Its Impact on Complementary and approached Flexner. Drugs are created to treat symptoms and only rarely treat the actual cause. Homeopathy and natural medicines were mocked and demonized; and doctors . Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab37f3090aa5c2f682c85b6c2918ca21" );document.getElementById("ad10372649").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Joe Rogan: CNN Lost A F*ckload Of Credibility Over C-19 Propaganda, Biden Wants To Appease The Chinese Communists [Video], Washington Post Lets Hershs Dangerous Cat Out Of The Bag [Video], Zelensky and his cronies are trying to cover up a major corruption scandal in Ukraine, Groomers: Hi, little boy! This disenchantment is both related to the quality of care they receive and also the way in which the business of Western medicine is conducted. Some doctors were even jailed for using natural medicine treatments, including treatments that had been used safely and effectively for decades before. [Evaluate Progress], How To Fund Your Treatment Without a Loan. By identifying these vitamins science took a huge step forward and enabled simple vitamin remedies to cure conditions that were cause by vitamin deficiencies (such as scurvy and rickets). This led to the Flexner Report, which gave birth to the modern medicine as we know it. One of the biggest is this: do we want capitalism or socialism? Brother Abraham was not a doctor himself. A national sales tax, it would replace not only personal and corporate income taxes, but Social Security, Medicare, estate and gift taxes Thirty years ago this past Sunday, the largest terrorist attack in American history up to that point occurred when a 1200-pound bomb exploded beneath the World Trade Center in New York City. 5. He actually went into China to spread Western Medicine. During this same era (early 1900s) scientists were doing groundbreaking work to understand the basic mechanics of life and human health. A lot of knowledge has been suppressed in favor of lab-based synthetic treatments and quick fixes. Hopefully this post will shed a bit of light on the history of our current medical system. He effectively created a culture that enabled the monetization of medicine. In fact, Flexner's work also caught the proliferating naturopathic, homeopathic, osteopathic and chiropractic colleges in the same sweep across the ensuing 15 years. Just because a lot of really smart people have done the same things for decades doesnt mean theyre doing the right things. This might not have been his intent, but the outcome speaks for itself. share. But only temporarily, because drugs are created to treat symptoms and only rarely treat the actual cause. I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. We believe Flexner paved the way for this overthrow of whole-body health by making scientific research and training alone the only desirable and credible approach to human wellness. Unfortunately, the online discussions I've witnessed have been, to put it as politely as I can, terrible. A lot of knowledge has been suppressed in favor of lab-based synthetic treatments and quick fixes. How John D Rockefeller Medicine killed Natural Cures and - YouTube Many doctors who worked with these methods were even jailed. Incredibly, allopathic medicine became the standard modality, even though at the time its main treatment methods where blood-letting, surgery (quite barbaric at the time) and the injection of toxic heavy metals (lead and mercury) to supposedly displace disease! Medical professionals who leaned heavily toward natural healing posed the greatest threat to this standardization because they continued to demonstrate that nature has provided whats necessary to treat or prevent just about any illness. Thats what blockbuster in blockbuster drug means. 1 comment. While notoriety for the latest breakthroughs certainly drives most medicine, money is the ultimate determiner of access and availability of treatments. Before that time, physicians largely relied on their bedside manner and relationships with patients to "treat" their illness. We have always been around. It all started with John Davidson Rockefeller (1839-1937), a Pharisee-born Illuminati monopoly, oil magnate, thief, and Americas first billionaire. The Man Who Invented Medical School - The Atlantic Before the Flexner Report, mechanics made more than doctors and the brightest students avoided the profession to enter the clergy. Help came in the form of the Flexner Report, penned by Abraham Flexner, whose claim to fame was being the brother of the powerful Dr. Simon Flexner, a key player in the chase for a vaccine to battle the 191819 Spanish flu,which killed 35 to 100 million people worldwide. The Flexner Report: How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicine The Flexner Report. After all, why would the Rockefellers want to produce real cures, if they are part of a system founded by international oligarchs and plutocrats, and not by doctors? It makes sense that if youre going to make products that alleviate symptoms, but that are potentially dangerous and that could create dependency, then you should create professionals who can help mitigate some of the life-threatening effects while also extolling the benefits. In 1935, Vitamin C became the first vitamin to be artificially synthesized in Switzerland. And lets be honest. was a very useful tool commissioned by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. ALERT National Health Crisis in the Making !!! A vital life will not come from solely from pushing against conventional medicine. Teresa, you are a piece of neomarxist shit. In order to understand our current medical system it is helpful to take a look back at the history of medicine in the America. After all, you cant patent a plant or an essential oil, but you can patent a lab-created molecule that strongly resembles that of the plants. So now, 100 years later, we are producing doctors who know nothing about the benefits of nutrition or herbs or any holistic practice. Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. But the Rockefellers plan for the medical industry ran into one problem: the popularity of natural medicine in the United States. pharmaceutical drugs) to the exclusion of whole-patient care or any of the morenatural treatment options. This led to the writing of the Flexner Report, which gave rise to modern medicine as we know it, through which the need to modernize and centralize medical institutions was discussed. Of course, it's not just the research that modern medicine is after. Concurrently, around 1900, the science world was getting excited about new petrochemicals and the ability to create a variety of new of compounds from oil.
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