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Fuso Orario: UTC -3:00 Religione: cattolica cristiana Pesi e Misure: Sistema metrico decimale Prefisso telefonico: +594 International Schools in French Guiana; Related Services Premium. Zu ihren primären Aufgaben gehört die Sicherung der Grenze und des Weltraum-Bahnhofs in Kourou. Martinique | Country number 9 of 10 on my Caribbean island hop by air.I fly into Guyana, on the northern coast of South America. So ist Französisch-Guayana das französische Département mit der höchsten Geburtenrate. Colonel François Müller, the commander of French Guiana's gendarmes, believes these operations have been successful. In 1964, French president Charles de Gaulle decided to construct a space-travel base in French Guiana. Suriname | 17 Charente-Maritime | [15] In a referendum that same year, French Guiana voted against autonomy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 4 Travel Health Notice for Guyana due to COVID-19. 64 Pyrénées-Atlantiques | Guiana officially rallied to Free France in 1943. A Data for the four overseas departments of French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Réunion, not including the new overseas department of Mayotte. [29], There is very little manufacturing. 1968 bauten die Europäer in Kourou das – geografisch günstig, weil äquatornah liegende – Raketenabschussgelände Centre Spatial Guyanais, welches im Laufe der Zeit ständig erweitert wurde. Threats to the ecosystem are: habitat fragmentation from roads, which remains very limited compared to other forests of South America; immediate and deferred impacts of EDF's Petit-Saut Dam; gold mining; poor control of hunting and poaching, facilitated by the creation of many tracks; and the introduction of all-terrain vehicles. On 12 March 2010 a team of French soldiers and border police were attacked while returning from a successful operation, during which "the soldiers had arrested 15 miners, confiscated three boats, and seized 617 grams of gold... currently worth about $22,317". Since December 2015 both the region and the department have been ruled by a single assembly within the framework of a new territorial collectivity, the French Guiana Territorial Collectivity (French: collectivité territoriale de Guyane). 27 Eure | 48 Lozère | [11], In the late 1980s, more than 10,000 Surinamese refugees, mostly Maroons, arrived in French Guiana, fleeing the Surinamese Civil War. 54 Meurthe-et-Moselle | 76 Seine-Maritime | 976 Mayotte, Nach 1962 aufgelöste Départements The French Government and its agencies have responsibility for a wide range of issues that are reserved to the national executive power, such as defense and external relations. Französisch-Guayana | The sentences of the convicts were often long, and the prospect of employment very weak, so the convicts caught butterflies to sell in the international market, both for scientific purposes as well as general collecting. Grand Est | Traduzioni in contesto per "guyana francese" in italiano-inglese da Reverso Context: La specie è stata rinvenuta nella Guyana francese. Francia Guyana (franciául: Guyane Française, illetve röviden csak Guyane) a Francia Köztársaság egyik tengerentúli megyéje, s mint ilyen, az Európai Unió szerves része. (Its population is less than ​1⁄200 that of Metropolitan France.) Die höchste Erhebung ist der Bellevue de l’Inini mit 851 m Seehöhe. Die Bevölkerung wächst auf Grund der hohen Geburtenrate sehr schnell, 1999 hatte das Überseedépartement noch 157.000 Einwohner, 2006 schon 206.000 Einwohner. Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln. The bridge was officially opened on March 18, 2017. 74 Haute-Savoie | Der Weltraumbahnhof ist Abschussbasis für Ariane 5-, Sojus- und Vega-Raketen und erweckt immer mehr das Interesse der Touristen auf internationaler Ebene. As a part of France, French Guiana is part of the European Union and the Eurozone; its currency is the euro. The main Maroon groups are the Saramaca, Aucan (both of whom also live in Suriname), and Boni (Aluku). This assembly, the French Guiana Assembly (French: assemblée de Guyane), has replaced the former regional council and departmental council, which were both disbanded. "The violent reaction by the garimpeiros can be explained by the exceptional take of 617 grams of gold, about 20 percent of the quantity seized in 2009 during the battle against illegal mining", said Phillipe Duporge, the director of French Guiana's border police, at a press conference the next day.[39]. Französisch-Guayana | Capital Cayenne Population 268,700 inhabitants Area 83,534 km² Major language(s) French Major religion(s) Roman Catholicism More information French Guiana, Geography of French Guiana, History of French Guiana and Politics of French Guiana: More images French Guiana - French Guiana … Its capital is Cayenne. Uruguay | As of the late 1990s, there was evidence of an uncontacted group of Wayampi. Eine Einheit der Fremdenlegion, das 3. [11] Illegal and ecologically destructive gold mining by Brazilian garimpeiros is a chronic issue in the remote interior rain forest of French Guiana. Bei einer vom französischen Staat initiierten Volksabstimmung über mehr Autonomie des Départements vom 10. It is located in the commune of Matoury, 13 km (8 mi) southwest of French Guiana's capital city of Cayenne. The dominant religion of French Guiana is Roman Catholicism; the Maroons and some Amerindian peoples maintain their own religions. 78 Seine-et-Oise (bis 1967), Collectivités: 44 Loire-Atlantique | [9], A border dispute with Brazil arose in the late 19th century over a vast area of jungle, resulting in the short-lived, pro-French, independent state of Counani in the disputed territory. 15 Cantal | La Guyana francese rappresenta un mosaico culturale fra i coloni francesi, le comunità amerindie e di cimarroni ed il bagaglio di culture e tradizioni In Guyana francese è molto popolare l'aléké, simile a salsa e merengue; l'aléké è di origine cimarrona, come anche altri generi minori (awasa, songhé) Composé de Guyana et de francese. 10 Aube | [28] The Guiana Space Centre employed 1,659 people in 2012. There are two flights a day to Paris (Orly Airport), served by Air France and Air Caraïbes. Following the Grenelle Environment Round Table of 2007, the Grenelle Law II was proposed in 2009, under law number 2010–788. Guyana | Französisch-Guayana liegt im Norden von Südamerika am Atlantischen Ozean zwischen Brasilien und Suriname bei 4° nördlicher Breite und 53° westlicher Länge. 60 Oise | In the video I walk from the popular Stabroek Market in Georgetown Guyana back to my Airbnb. Französisch-Guayana weist das größte zusammenhängende Waldgebiet Frankreichs und der Europäischen Union auf. These forests are protected by a national park (the Guiana Amazonian Park), and six additional nature reserves. Strasbourg is the capital of the Alsace region and the Bas-Rhin department. A resident company is subject to CIT in France on its French-source income. The bioacoustics study of bats in Guyana is one of the main activitée association. [10], Die Universität Französisch-Guyana bietet 31 Studiengänge an 2 Standorten an. 87 Haute-Vienne | Mittlerweile ist auch das Raumfahrtgelände in Kourou zu einem touristischen Motor der Binnenwirtschaft geworden. [24] The coastal environment along the N1 has historically experienced the most changes, but development is occurring locally along the N2, and also in western French Guiana due to gold mining. [11], More recently, French Guiana has received large numbers of Brazilian and Haitian economic migrants. Daher sind die Grenzen zu Suriname und Brasilien zugleich EU-Außengrenzen. Bekannt wurde Französisch-Guayana für den „Archipel der Verdammten“ auf den Îles du Salut, eine französische Strafkolonie, die von 1852 bis 1951 bestand. Before European contact, the territory was originally inhabited by Native Americans, most speaking the Arawak language, of the Arawakan language family. 59 Nord | French Guiana is the only territory of the mainland Americas to have full integration in a European country. [2] Social unrest in 2017 paralyzed the economy for several weeks and led to an economic recession (−1.9% in real terms), which sunk the GDP per capita that year. The territory of the park covers some 33,900 km2 (13,090 sq mi) upon the communes of Camopi, Maripasoula, Papaïchton, Saint-Élie and Saül. Bei den Teilen der indigenen Bevölkerung, die sich hauptsächlich von Fisch ernähren, führt dies zu Krankheitssymptomen ähnlich der Minamata-Krankheit in Japan. Französisch-Guayana bildet seit den Dezentralisierungsgesetzen von 1982 zugleich ein Département und eine Region Frankreichs. Der Zoll verfügt über ca. 25 Doubs | The first French establishment is recorded in 1503, but France did not establish a durable presence until colonists founded Cayenne in 1643. Sie leben meist in Subsistenzwirtschaft von Jagd und Fischfang, andere sind als Goldwäscher oder im Tourismus tätig. Im Jahr 2017 betrug die Arbeitslosenquote 22,4 %. Population figures are those recorded in the 2017 census. Fully integrated[according to whom?] Diese verkleideten Frauengestalten animieren die Maskenbälle, die während der Karnevalszeit jeden Samstagabend stattfinden. Infanterie-Fremdenregiment (frz. Saint-Martin | [9] Bei einer weiteren Abstimmung am 24. 200 Mitarbeiter. Der weitaus größte Teil der Bevölkerung lebt an der Küste, wo sich die größten Städte befinden. 18 Cher | Guiana procede del término amerindio tierra de muchas aguas. 972 Martinique | La Guyane est frontalière du Brésil sur 730 km et du Suriname sur 520 km [15], faisant du Brésil le pays ayant la plus grande frontière terrestre avec la France (Suriname sixième). It is now part of the European space industry and has had commercial success with such launches as the Ariane 4 and Ariane 5. Foto di Didwin973 La Guyana francese è un dipartimento d'oltremare della Francia, si trova in Sud America tra Suriname e Brasile e si affaccia sull'Oceano Atlantico. Geography: Location: Northern South America, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, … Trinidad und Tobago1 | Dazu gehörte auch die Teufelsinsel. Saint-Barthélemy | There are also smaller groups from various Caribbean islands, mainly Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint Lucia. Französische Beamte gehen verstärkt gegen die illegalen Goldsucher vor, indem sie diese ergreifen und nach Brasilien ausweisen. 05 Hautes-Alpes | Lethem è una città della Guyana, situata nella regione dell'Alto Takutu-Alto Essequibo. French Guiana (/ɡiˈɑːnə/ or /ɡiˈænə/; French: Guyane [ɡɥijan]) is an overseas department and region of France on the northern Atlantic coast of South America in the Guianas. Illo esseva le sol colonia britannic in le region, sub le nomine de Guiana Britannic (British Guiana).Illo deveniva independente in 1966.. Su capital es Georgetown con 275 000 habitantes. The local culinary art originally brought together Guianan Creole, Bushinengue and Native American cuisines. Januar 2016 abgeschafft und die 19 Kantone in Französisch-Guayana aufgelöst. La capitale della guyana; Il capoluogo della guyana francese; È celebre per il suo pepe; Definizioni simili. [8] A Portuguese-British naval squadron took French Guiana for the Portuguese Empire in 1809. Became a French region and was made part of France proper. Half of its 290,691 inhabitants in 2020 lived in the metropolitan area of Cayenne, its capital. [citation needed] The main traditional industries are fishing (accounting for 5% of exports in 2012), gold mining (accounting for 32% of exports in 2012) and timber (accounting for 1% of exports in 2012). The resulting ashes elevate soil pH (i.e., lower soil acidity), and contribute minerals and other nutrients to the soil. French Guiana was originally inhabited by indigenous people: Kalina, Arawak, Galibi, Palikur, Teko, Wayampi and Wayana. Wichtigste Handelspartner sind das französische Mutterland, Trinidad und Tobago und Italien. French Guiana and the two larger countries to the north and west, Guyana and Suriname, are still often collectively referred to as "the Guianas" and constitute one large landmass known as the Guiana Shield. Research is being actively pursued in multiple fields to determine how these enriched soils were historically created, and how this can be done in modern times. This was operated from 1852 to 1953. The Guiana Amazonian Park, which is the largest national park in the European Union,[4] covers 41% of French Guiana's territory. Con guyana : Capoluogo della Guyana Francese. Hmmm.....We now have a Public mailbox! French Guiana lies between latitudes 3° and 6° N, and longitudes 51° and 55° W. It consists of two main geographical regions: a coastal strip where the majority of the people live, and dense, near-inaccessible rainforest which gradually rises to the modest peaks of the Tumuc-Humac mountains along the Brazilian frontier. Im Vergleich mit dem Bruttoinlandsprodukt der EU ausgedrückt in Kaufkraftstandards erreicht Französisch-Guayana einen Index von 57,6 (EU-25: 100) (2003). 09 Ariège | Se vogliamo capirne di più sulla Guyana Francese sul clima, consideriamo anche il capoluogo, che è Caienna.. Questa città è sede della Prefettura, è situata nel Nord della Guyana Francese, direttamente sulla costa atlantica. Über das gesamte Jahr hinweg gibt es konstante Temperaturen, die im Mittel um 28 °C liegen. 90 % des Landes sind mit tropischen Regenwäldern bedeckt. Landwirtschaft wird nur in Küstennähe betrieben. 22 Côtes-d’Armor | France, including its overseas territories, … 24 Dordogne | The Petit-Saut Dam, a hydroelectric dam in the north of French Guiana forms an artificial lake and provides hydroelectricity. 73 Savoie | [12][13] The region still faces such problems as illegal immigration, poorer infrastructure than mainland France, higher costs of living, higher levels of crime and more common social unrest.[14]. Il capoluogo della guyana francese; Lo è una lingua che si parla nella guyana francese; La capitale della guyana; Il capoluogo del dipartimento francese dell orne; Il dipartimento francese … 46 Lot | in the French central state in the 21st century, French Guiana is a part of the European Union, and its official currency is the euro. 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Marsupiali Australiani Dizy, Fratello Di Roby Facchinetti, Ultime Notizie Coronavirus Costa D'avorio, Federico Tocci Vita Privata, Bicarbonato Al Posto Del Lievito Pizza, Quanto Costa Un Gatto Siamese, Branche Cioccolato Calorie, Bukowski Peluche Online,