Ciò ha portato a una ripresa dei combattimenti contro l'esercito nell'aprile 2016, portando 80.000 persone a fuggire dalle loro case. Li Republica de Congo (anc nominat Congo-Brazzaville) es un land in Africa.Li cité capital del Republica de Congo es Brazzaville.Li oficial lingue del Republic de Congo es francesi.. New elections took place in April 1959. Congolese culture, art, and media have suffered from a lack of investment due to the unstable political conditions and warfare. Además, el país posee una riqueza musical que las diferentes etnias han sabido hacer [44][needs update]. One year later, President Ngouabi proclaimed Congo Africa's first "people's republic", the People's Republic of the Congo, and announced the decision of the National Revolutionary Movement to change its name to the Congolese Labour Party (PCT). Costituzione della Repubblica italiana: Aggiornata a Gennaio 2020 (l. cost. Natural gas and diamonds are also recent major Congolese exports, although Congo was excluded from the Kimberley Process in 2004 amid allegations that most of its diamond exports were in fact being smuggled out of the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo; it was re-admitted to the group in 2007. [7], Gli importanti giacimenti di petrolio sono la principale fonte dell'esportazione, e il paese ne è fortemente dipendente, infatti, a causa del ribasso dei prezzi del petrolio a causa della crisi, nel biennio 2008-2009 la crescita economica è rallentata. EN. Nel dicembre 2017 è stato firmato un accordo di cessate il fuoco. Molto particolari sono le tradizioni per commemorare i parenti defunti: si organizzano delle veglie funebri della durata di un paio di settimane (o anche più lunghe), in cui amici, parenti o semplici conoscenti si radunano per consumare pasti tipici e bevande (generalmente birra prodotta in Congo). Meteo Cronaca DIRETTA VIDEO: REPUBBLICA del CONGO, più di 500 case SPAZZATE dalla FURIA dell'Acqua. Many translated example sentences containing "la Republica del Congo" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Il paese è ricoperto per il 65% da foreste pluviali, che forniscono specie pregiate di legname da esportazione. [60][61], In 2018, the Republic of the Congo joined the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.[62]. Non ci sono stagioni (piogge-secca) precise in nessuna zona del paese; solo ai confini Sud vi è un buon periodo più stabilmente soleggiato ma mai completamente affidabile; in genere nella Repubblica del Congo e in tutti i Paesi equatoriali giornate soleggiate e piovose si alternano ma spesso presentano entrambe le caratteristiche. For other uses, see, Largest cities or towns in Republic of the Congo. [64], According to CIA World Factbook, the people of the Republic of the Congo are largely a mix of Catholics (33.1%), Awakening Lutherans (22.3%) and other Protestants (19.9%). The southwest of the country is a coastal plain for which the primary drainage is the Kouilou-Niari River; the interior of the country consists of a central plateau between two basins to the south and north. Nel marzo 2015 Sassou ha annunciato di voler candidarsi per un ulteriore mandato e con un referendum costituzionale in ottobre una modifica della costituzione gli ha permesso di correre durante le elezioni presidenziali del 2016, vincendo le elezioni, ritenute da molti fraudolente. On 5 June, President Lissouba's government forces surrounded Sassou's compound in Brazzaville and Sassou ordered members of his private militia (known as "Cobras") to resist. La pesca non riveste grande importanza, come neanche l'allevamento. A sud e a est ha come confini naturali il Congo e un suo affluente, l'Ubangi sulla riva opposta del quale si trova la Repubblica Democratica del Congo, a ovest si affaccia sull'Oceano Atlantico (Golfo di Guinea). It was a Marxist–Leninist state from 1969 to 1992, under the name People's Republic of the Congo. [14], Sassou Nguesso aligned the country with the Eastern Bloc and signed a twenty-year friendship pact with the Soviet Union. United States State Department. Finden Sie perfekte Illustrationen zum Thema Repubblica Democratica Del Congo von Getty Images. [12], Other names are sometimes known to as the French Congo, Middle Congo and Congo (Brazzaville) with the latter inclusion of the country's capital to distinguish it from Congo (Léopoldville) or (Kinshasa) to its south. The capital, Brazzaville, is located on the Congo River, in the south of the country, immediately across from Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Pupils who complete six years of primary school and seven years of secondary school obtain a baccalaureate. [22] Since the political tension was so high in Pointe-Noire, Youlou moved the capital to Brazzaville. [15] This Congo Colony became known first as French Congo, then as Middle Congo in 1903. With a population of 5.2 million, 88.5% of the country practices Christianity. [71] There were 20 physicians per 100,000 persons in the early 2000s (decade). This led to a revival of the Ninja rebels who launched attacks against the army in April 2016, leading 80,000 people to flee their homes. Republic of the Congo. The election raised questions and was accompanied by civil unrest and police shootings of protesters;[41] at least 18 people were killed by security forces during opposition rallies leading up to the referendum held in October. [15] Commercial relationships quickly grew between the inland Bantu kingdoms and European merchants who traded various commodities, manufactured goods, and people captured from the hinterlands. [24] On the night between February 14 and 15, 1965, three prominent public officials in the Republic of the Congo were kidnapped; Lazare Matsocota (prosecutor of the Republic), Joseph Pouabou (president of the Supreme Court) and Massouémé Anselme (director of the Congolese Information Agency). La popolazione stimata (luglio 2006) è pari a 3.703.348 persone così suddivise: Gran parte della popolazione si concentra nella parte sud-occidentale del paese, mentre l'area settentrionale, dominata dalla foresta tropicale, è pressoché disabitata. [70] Education between ages six and sixteen is compulsory. The Republic of the Congo is a member of the African Union, the United Nations, La Francophonie, the Economic Community of Central African States, and the Non-Aligned Movement. Il 31 dicembre dello stesso anno venne nominato presidente il maggiore Marien Ngouabi che trasformò il paese in una repubblica popolare politicamente sostenuta dall'Unione Sovietica, cambiò il nome del paese in Repubblica popolare del Congo, dichiarandolo il primo stato marxista-leninista dell'Africa. [58][59], The GDP of the Republic of the Congo grew by 6% in 2014 and is expected to have grown by 7.5% in 2015. Nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo è molto complessa la situazione epidemiologica. Nel 1992 Sassou-Nguesso fu sconfitto alle elezioni presidenziali da un suo vecchio rivale, Pascal Lissouba, che ridiede al Paese la denominazione di Repubblica del Congo. The dry season is from June to August, while in the majority of the country the wet season has two rainfall maxima: one in March–May and another in September–November. At university, students can obtain a bachelor's degree in three years and a master's after five. Le texto es disponibile sub le licentia Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike; additional conditiones pote esser in vigor. The country also has a large port on the Atlantic Ocean at Pointe-Noire and others along the Congo River at Brazzaville and Impfondo. La Conferenza di Brazzaville del 1944 annunciò una serie di riforme della politica coloniale garantendo la cittadinanza francese alla popolazione, il decentramento di alcuni poteri, l'abolizione dei lavori forzati e l'elezione di assemblee locali. 2018-10-02 16h11 14.png 120 × 101; 32 KB. [68], Before the 1997 war, about 9,000 Europeans and other non-Africans lived in Congo, most of whom were French; only a fraction of this number remains. When Sassou Nguesso returned to power at the end of the war in October 1997, he publicly expressed interest in moving forward on economic reforms and privatization and in renewing cooperation with international financial institutions. La "stagione secca" è più prolungata nei pressi delle montagne Mayumbe al confine Sud. Lo scontro fu vinto nel giro di qualche mese dall'esperto generale Sassou-Nguesso, che ricevette anche l'appoggio dell'esercito dell'Angola, e in ottobre tornò a coprire la massima carica dello stato. The Congo-Ocean Railway (COR, or CFCO) links the Atlantic port of Pointe-Noire (now in the Republic of Congo) with Brazzaville, a distance of 502km. [69], Public expenditure health was at 8.9% of the GDP in 2004, whereas private expenditure was at 1.3%. The sovereign state has had multi-party elections since 1992, although a democratically elected government was ousted in the 1997 Republic of the Congo Civil War, and President Denis Sassou Nguesso, who first came to power in 1979, has ruled for 35 of the past 40 years. 19511221 Mgr Paul Biechy Orchies.jpg 86 × 121; 25 KB. Overview: This page contains the latest international trade data for Republic of the Congo, including service trade data, and tariffs.In 2018 Republic of the Congo was the number 139 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 87 in total exports, the number 151 in total imports, and the number 112 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). Nel 1958 la colonia fu divisa nei quattro stati attuali e il 28 novembre dello stesso anno la regione del Congo francese divenne la Repubblica del Congo, dichiarata indipendente il 15 agosto 1960. [70] The Kongo are the largest ethnic group and form roughly half of the population. [47], Congo lies within four terrestrial ecoregions: Atlantic Equatorial coastal forests, Northwestern Congolian lowland forests, Western Congolian swamp forests, and Western Congolian forest-savanna mosaic. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 18 dic 2020 alle 16:54. Bureau of African Affairs. [75] In 2005 net primary enrollment rate was 44%, a significant drop from the 79% in 1991. It has become the fourth-largest oil producer in the Gulf of Guinea, providing the country with a degree of prosperity despite political and economic instability in some areas and unequal distribution of oil revenue nationwide. Intorno al 1883 la regione entrò a far parte della sfera di influenza francese; l'area era contesa tra l'esploratore italofrancese Pietro Savorgnan di Brazzà e gli emissari del sovrano belga che mirava al controllo del bacino del Congo. Überprüfen Sie die Übersetzungen von 'Repubblica Democratica del Congo' ins Deutsch. [18] The Brazzaville Conference of 1944 heralded a period of major reform in French colonial policy. It is also bounded by Gabon to the west, Cameroon and the Central African Republic to the north, and Cabinda (Angola) to the southwest. [7], Molto utilizzato il fiume Congo come mezzo di trasporto fluviale, anche a causa della scarsità di strade. Two years later, Yhombi-Opango was forced from power and Denis Sassou Nguesso become the new president. Repubblica Popolare del Congo Übersetzung im Glosbe-Wörterbuch Italienisch-Deutsch, Online-Wörterbuch, kostenlos. Nel 2011 è entrata in funzione la centrale termo elettrica (nº 2 turbogas da 250 MW) con finanziamenti Eni e altri partner. Negli anni precedenti infatti erano stati stipulati contratti di protezione fra la Francia e i regnanti locali. Blog Press Information. To the south and east of it is the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Soon thereafter, Sassou declared himself president. Over the years, Sassou had to rely more on political repression and less on patronage to maintain his dictatorship. In mid-October, the Lissouba government fell. Search, Finally, the good figures seem to come from, This page was last edited on 24 December 2020, at 06:15. La capitale è Brazzaville. Sassou Nguesso is backed by his own Congolese Labour Party (French: Parti Congolais du Travail) as well as a range of smaller parties. [8] Sono inoltre presenti giacimenti di oro e diamanti. [29] A new constitution, agreed upon by referendum in January 2002, granted the president new powers, extended his term to seven years, and introduced a new bicameral assembly. There are also over 1000 km of paved roads and two major international airports (Maya-Maya Airport and Pointe-Noire Airport) which have flights to destinations in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. [9], According to a 2011–12 survey, total fertility rate was 5.1 children born per woman, with 4.5 in urban areas and 6.5 in rural areas. The methods were often brutal: construction of the Congo–Ocean Railroad following World War I has been estimated to have cost at least 14,000 lives.[15]. Thus began a four-month conflict that destroyed or damaged much of Brazzaville and caused tens of thousands of civilian deaths. Una nuova costituzione, approvata con il referendum nel gennaio 2002, concesse al presidente nuovi poteri, prolungò il suo mandato a sette anni e introdusse una nuova assemblea bicamerale. I primi abitanti della regione furono delle popolazioni pigmee che si costituirono in domini locali, quali ad esempio il Regno di Anziku. Suggest as a translation of "Republica del Congo" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. A seguito delle elezioni presidenziali, sono iniziati i combattimenti nella regione del Pool tra forze governative e ribelli guidati dal pastore Ntumi; un trattato di pace per porre fine al conflitto è stato firmato nell'aprile 2003. M'Passi, singer of the former group Melgroove; rappers Calbo of Arsenik group, Ben J of Neg Marrons, Mystic, and RCFA are also increasingly known. The second largest group are the Teke, who live to the north of Brazzaville, with 17% of the population. Africa (Ritorno al mondo) Paese: Città o regione: Tipo di struttura: Risultati - 4 Ospedali/cliniche trovate in Brazzaville, Congo, Repubblica del. During these reforms, Middle Congo became known as the Republic of the Congo in 1958[19] and published its first constitution in 1959. Protestantism (51,4%) Romano- Catolici (30,1%) Creștini (4,4%) Alte religii (14,1%) Populația rară din Republica Congo este concentrată în partea de sud-vest a țării lăsând vastele zone de junglă tropicală din nord nelocuite. Departments are divided into communes and districts. Nell'aprile del 1977 divenne presidente Joachim Yhombi-Opango che rimase in carica fino a febbraio del 1979. Many sites are difficult to reach in overland visits. Translated - Su trovi le previsioni e le notizie meteo per tutte le città d'Italia e del Mondo. La Repubblica del Congo si trova nella parte centro-occidentale dell'Africa subsahariana, a cavallo dell'Equatore. CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (, Economic Community of Central African States, Foreign relations of the Republic of the Congo, Human rights in the Republic of the Congo, List of companies based in the Republic of the Congo, Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa, Demographics of the Republic of the Congo, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Index of Republic of the Congo–related articles, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, "Report for Selected Countries and Subjects",, Historical Dictionary of European Imperialism, "BBC NEWS – Africa – The man who would be Congo's king", CONGO REPUBLIC: BRAZZAVILLE RIOTS AFTERMATH, "Fulbert Youlou facts, information, pictures – articles about Fulbert Youlou", Les voies du politique au Congo: essai de sociologie historique, "17 candidates in Congo presidential race: commission", Vote results expected as opposition alleges fraud, "FACTBOX-African leaders' French assets under scrutiny", "Les Africains du Panama (1) : les circuits offshore des " fils de, Congo Republic president says expects referendum over the third term, "Congo opposition holds ceremony for killed protesters=Reuters", "Violences au Congo : le government accuse les opposants à Sassou-Nguesso", "Pygmies in the Congo treated like "pets": report", "UN expert praises Congo's draft law on indigenous rights", site of the Presidency of the Republic of the Congo, Map: Situation de l'exploitation forestière en République du Congo, "Anthropogenic modification of forests means only 40% of remaining forests have high ecosystem integrity - Supplementary Material", "An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm", "Kimberley Process Removes the Republic of Congo from the List of Participants", " The business law portal in Africa", "South Africa's white farmers prepare to trek to the Congo", Congo hands land to South African farmers, "Republic of the Congo GDP and Economic Data", "Les pygmées du Congo en "danger d'extinction, Congo. Lo stato si divide in 12 dipartimenti (départements): I 10 dipartimenti veri e propri sono suddivisi in distretti, mentre Brazzaville e Pointe-Noire, comuni equiparati a distretti, sono suddivisi in arrondissement come del resto altri quattro comuni autonomi, ma inseriti nei distretti: Dolisie, Mossendjo, Nkayi e Ouésso[6]. Jump to: navigation, search Language: Italian Republic of the Congo : A country of Central Africa whose capital is Brazzaville. La capitale è Brazzaville. The opposition, who boycotted the referendum, said that the government's statistics were false and the vote was a fake one.[40]. Under the 1963 constitution, Massamba-Débat was elected President for a five-year term. Questi promosse una politica di stampo nettamente marxista-leninista. International observers took issue with the organization of the presidential election and the constitutional referendum, both of which were reminiscent in their organization of Congo's era of the one-party state. Però el governamental PCT fou derrotat en les eleccions del 1992 per la Unió Panafricana pel Desenvolupament (UPD), del conservador Pascal Lissouba (que fou elegit president). Confina a nord con il Camerun e la Repubblica Centrafricana, a est e a sud con la Repubblica Democratica del Congo, a sud per un breve tratto con l'exclave angolana di Cabinda, a sud-ovest si affaccia sul Golfo di Guinea e a ovest confina con il Gabon. 19511221 Consecration Episcopale Mgr Emile Verhille Orchies (cropped).jpg 156 × 143; 37 KB. [9] The Republic of the Congo was established on 28 November 1958 and gained independence from France in 1960. It is working to improve the network that supports its hotels and related tourism facilities in Pointe Noire and Brazzaville. Negli ultimi 10 anni, l'agricoltura congolese è cresciuta di produttività del 30%. Il tutto si svolge in un clima di euforia e dolore allo stesso tempo. Congo's economy is heavily dependent on the oil sector, and economic growth has slowed considerably since the post-2015 drop in oil prices. Dopo violente proteste nella capitale, Sassou attaccò la regione del Pool, dove un tempo si basavano i ribelli della guerra civile. 12 January 1994 devaluation of Franc Zone currencies by 50% resulted in inflation of 46% in 1994, but inflation has subsided since.[53]. Republica del Congo Iste pagina esseva modificate le plus recentemente le 5 april 2013 a 04:01. La sanità non è molto efficiente (0,1 medici ogni mille abitanti) ma è comunque migliore di quella di altri paesi africani. Gran parte del paese fa parte del bacino idrografico del Congo a eccezione dell’area costiera che appartiene al bacino del Kouilou e che è separata dal bacino del Congo dai rilievi della zona Cabinda. [73] The numerous ethnic groups and various political structures express a rich cultural diversity and forms of art. L'età moderna e la colonizzazione europea, Dato fornito da CNSEE dall'ultimo censimento, Annuario statistico del Congo a cura del CNSEE, - Eni, accordo storico in Congo "Possiamo raddoppiare le riserve", Dati dal Fondo Monetario Internazionale, ottobre 2013, Sant'Elena, Ascensione e Tristan da Cunha,, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, 0-14 anni: 44% (maschi 864,407/femmine 853,728), 15-64 anni: 50% (maschi 930,390/femmine 945,545), 65 anni e oltre: 6% (maschi 44,430/femmine 63,814). Exportaciones: Petróleo, madera, contrachapado, azúcar, cacao. The country has universities. Brazzaville itself derives from the colony's founder, Pierre Savorgnan de Brazzà, an Italian nobleman whose title referred to the town of Brazzacco, in the comune of Moruzzo, whose name derived from the Latin Brattius or Braccius, both meaning "arm". Several Bantu kingdoms—notably those of the Kongo, the Loango, and the Teke—built trade links leading into the Congo River basin. Lingua ufficiale è il francese. For example, the massive Chaillu Mountains are almost impossible to visit. [35][36][37] Denis Christel Sassou-Nguesso, son of Denis Sassou Nguesso, has been named in association with the Panama Papers. His two main rivals, Lissouba and Bernard Kolelas, were prevented from competing and the only remaining credible rival, André Milongo, advised his supporters to boycott the elections and then withdrew from the race. Confina a nord con il Camerun e la Repubblica Centrafricana, a est e a sud con la Repubblica Democratica del Congo, a sud per un breve tratto con l'exclave angolana di Cabinda, a sud-ovest si affaccia sul Golfo di Guinea e a ovest confina … [45] [16], The area north of the Congo River came under French sovereignty in 1880 as a result of Pierre de Brazza's treaty with King Makoko[17] of the Bateke. Boulangui (M’Boshi) live in the northwest and in Brazzaville and form 12% of the population. Congo-Brazzaville has had a multi-party political system since the early 1990s, although the system is heavily dominated by President Denis Sassou Nguesso; he has lacked serious competition in the presidential elections held under his rule. Because of problems with the communication network, the country is not ready to build on heritage tourism. Gli osservatori internazionali hanno contestato l'organizzazione delle elezioni presidenziali e del referendum costituzionale, entrambi elementi che ricordavano l'organizzazione tipica dell'era del Congo dello stato monopartitico. Sono presenti ingenti giacimenti di sabbie bituminose non sfruttate nell'entroterra della costa atlantica congolese. En la República del Congo se llevará a cabo un proyecto focalizado en 250 aldeas, que beneficiará a unos 20000 hogares. Dal 1969 al 1992 fu denominata Repubblica Popolare del Congo. Rimase in carica fino al suo assassinio, avvenuto il 18 marzo 1977. Linguee. [38], On 27 March 2015, Sassou Nguesso announced that his government would hold a referendum on changing the country's 2002 constitution to allow him to run for a third consecutive term in office. In 2007 the BBC reported it to be in a "decrepit state with the majority of trains now broken". It have 4.125.916 (2010) habitantes e un area de 342.000 quadrat-kilometres. Rather than seeking to make a feature film for distribution, generally filmmakers directly broadcast their productions as videos on the internet. info) French: République du Congo, Kituba: Repubilika ya Kôngo), also known as Congo-Brazzaville, the Congo Republic[7][8] or simply either Congo or the Congo is a country located in the western coast of Central Africa. Restoration of architectural works is underway in Brazzaville, such as the Basilica of Sainte-Anne du Congo, which was completed in 2011.[74].
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