Angela Rafanelli Padre, Test Ammissione Bocconi Giurisprudenza, Giro In Mountain Bike, L'onorevole Nino D'angelo Testo, In Spite Of Everything, Film Netflix Fantascienza, Un Malato Di Cuore Testo, 17 Gennaio Festa Mondiale, "> master bologna business school Angela Rafanelli Padre, Test Ammissione Bocconi Giurisprudenza, Giro In Mountain Bike, L'onorevole Nino D'angelo Testo, In Spite Of Everything, Film Netflix Fantascienza, Un Malato Di Cuore Testo, 17 Gennaio Festa Mondiale, " />

The Master has the aim to equip executives with operational tools and strategic knowledge in order to develop their professional career internationally in the global sustainability arena. BBS is the Business School of the University of Bologna, the oldest university in the Western worldBBS ranks among the most innovative business schools in Europe and is one of the most reputable institutions in Italy. FULL-TIME MASTERS. - C.F. Emanuele Bajo, Direttore scientifico del Master Full-time in Finance and Fintech BBS, spiega perché “la formazione deve e dovrà sempre di più avere un carattere interdisciplinare” in un intervento pubblicato da Digital Money di Milano Finanza. The school offers a number of full-time and part-time / distance-learning programs in Italian and English directed at post-university students and business executives; the School also offers shorter executive programs for local companies and industries. On Tuesday, January 12, at 6 pm, there will be via Microsoft Teams the Virtual Open Day of the Executive Masters, an event dedicated to those who want to update and deepen their professional skills. 02095311201, Quarantalks Merry Xmas. Toggle navigation. Insieme ai protagonisti dei Quarantalks, la serie di incontri che si sono svolti durante il lockdown, alcune centinaia di alumni, docenti e amici di BBS si sono fatti gli auguri su zoom e sui social. Transform your ambitions into a Masters degree at Bologna Business School. Master in Gestione di Impresa Bologna Business School - University of Bologna, ranked n°15 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking I QuaranTalks sono una serie di incontri nati con l'obiettivo di riflettere sul futuro, dialogando con ospiti italiani e internazionali. Green Management and Sustainable Businesses, Sustainability Transition Management (Part-time), Wealth Management – Gestione del Patrimonio, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for Business, Business Sustainability & Circular Economy. Rome Business School's Masters! The Master in Data Science is designed to provide highly specialized training for those who have developed a strong interest in data processing and would like to hone that skill in terms of searching for facts that … Ufficio Master Bologna For administrative information. TRANSFORM YOUR AMBITIONS IN SOLID PROJECTS. Prosegue lo sviluppo di Bologna Business School, la scuola di Formazione manageriale dell’Università di Bologna, l’Ateneo più antico dell’Occidente, nata per formare una nuova generazione di business leader. Quarantalks. Global MBA Food and Wine Bologna Business School - University of Bologna, ranked n°3 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking TUM School of Management Technical University of Munich. Holiday Greetings from the BBS Community. Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management. BBS Alumni talk about themselves: what was before, what came after and the memories of the student's life, to offer a personal story and a narration of one's own professional experience, for a history of our Community. Bologna Business School - Via degli Scalini 18, 40136 Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy - Rated 4.6 based on 2 Reviews "No 1 !" Bologna Business School is committed to an interdisciplinary approach to business education, a strong integration with the entrepreneurial world, and a growing international projection. Un Mentor in BBS. 9,086 were here. Present’s challenges for future’s professions. Login; My Story, Our Story. Bologna Business School (BBS) of the University of Bologna is the largest business school of a public university in Italy, founded in 2000. Eugenio Sidoli, Senior Executive e Independent Board Member, membro dell’Advisory Board di Bologna Business School e Mentor nell’Hybrid MBA, ci racconta in questa intervista cosa significa per lui fare il Mentor in BBS. Community. Entra nella community riservata agli Alumni, docenti e membri di Bologna Business School. MIEX Master in International Management. Masters in Business Administration (MBA degrees) are internationally recognised Management postgraduate degrees which address the needs of business professionals wishing to advance their expertise and career. Community. Community. Bologna Business School. For candidates whom do NOT possess English as their first language, admission to the Master’s degree programme is subject to the positive written assessment of the candidates’ level of English and individual interview. Quarantalks. Immer stärker müssen Unternehmen geeignete Maßnahmen ergreifen, um gegen Cyber-Angriffe gewappnet zu sein. - C.F. Specialisation Schools; Post-graduate vocational training programmes; Summer and winter schools; International Education Projects ; Teacher training; Innovation in teaching and learning; Research Apri sottomenu. Professional Master in Marketing and Sales. Emanuele Bajo, Scientific Director of BBS Full-time Master’s in Finance and Fintech, explains why “education must have a multi-disciplinary nature, and increasingly so in the future” in an article published by Digital Money of Milano Finanza. 2020/21 the University of Bologna will offer the lessons of all degree programmes both in remote and classroom-based mode. Le sfide del presente per le professioni del futuro. Executive MBA – for Executives and Managers Visita la sezione dedicata agli eventi organizzati da Bologna Business School e iscriviti per partecipare. The challenge of leading, the joy of witnessing growth. Find your master × Find your master. Visita la sezione dedicata agli eventi organizzati da Bologna Business School e iscriviti per partecipare. Executive MBAs. Die Bologna Business School ist international ausgerichtet. Martedì 12 gennaio si terrà il Virtual Open Day dei Master Executive via Microsoft Teams, un appuntamento dedicato ad approfondire l’offerta formativa di BBS pensata per i professionisti. Thanks to Bologna Business School’s numerous collaborations with leading players in the digital sector, these new generation of managers, equally grounded on financial competencies and on new technologies, will be able to anticipate, intercept, and exploit the new trends in the financial industry. The evaluation process will take place at Bologna Business School: - for those enrolled to Window 1: on 16 June 2020 Tuition fees are calculated based on the 2020 ISEE value with special subsidies in relation to the right to higher education.. With an ISEE value up to € 23,000, first year students and students that meet merit requirements are totally exempted from paying tuition fees. Global MBA Design, Fashion and Luxury Goods Bologna Business School - University of Bologna, ranked n°3 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Login; My Story, Our Story. Via San Giacomo 7 - 40126 Bologna P.I. Enter the community reserved to Alumni, teacher and members of Bologna Business School. Find your master . Courses beginning in the Jul - Dec. MASTER FULL-TIME. Study Master’s in Marketing at Bologna Business School to give yourself a competitive edge and further your career in the marketing sectors. Bologna Business School, Università di Bologna. BBS: Master's & MBA in Italy | University of Bologna Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management The Master has the aim to equip executives with operational tools and strategic knowledge in order to develop their professional career internationally in the global sustainability arena. Master in Sustainability Transition Management. Find A Masters. BBS inaugura la Community Alumni: la piattaforma digitale per connettere studenti, Alumni e Faculty. Gli Alumni di BBS si raccontano: il prima, il dopo e i ricordi della vita da studente, per una storia di sè e della propria esperienza professionale, per … La sfida del guidare, la gioia del veder crescere. Bologna Business School offers to its students the second level of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust Course in cooperation with the Italian Wine Academy. ONLINE 7 seats . Global MBA Corporate Finance Bologna Business School - University of Bologna, ranked n°25 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Login; My Story, Our Story. Together with the protagonists of the Quarantalks, the series of meetings that took place during the lockdown, a few hundred Alumni, Faculty and friends of BBS exchanged greetings on zoom and on social networks. General Management Courses: Production and Logistics, Management Consulting, Business Planning, Leading People and Organizations, Business Ethics and Cross Cultural Management, Going Global. L’Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management ha l’obiettivo di fornire a manager e professionisti gli strumenti operativi e le conoscenze strategiche al fine di sviluppare la loro carriera professionale a livello internazionale sul tema della sostenibilità globale. Find your master. BBS inaugurates the Alumni Community: the digital platform to connect students, Alumni and Faculty. For the first semester of the a.y. Tuition fee amounts. Search Postgraduate Masters Degrees at University of Bologna, Bologna Business School. P.I. I QuaranTalks sono una serie di incontri nati con l'obiettivo di riflettere sul futuro, dialogando con ospiti italiani e internazionali. Der Cyber Security Master an der Bologna Business School ist in Zeiten verstärkter Cyber-Angriffe sehr gefragt. Entra nella community riservata agli Alumni, docenti e membri di Bologna Business School. Compare Master's Degrees in Bologna in Italy 2021. BBS is the Business School of the University of Bologna, the oldest university in the Western worldBBS ranks among the most innovative business schools in Europe and is one of the most reputable institutions in Italy. A part of the University of Bologna, the Bologna Business School is the largest of its kind among all the public Italian universities. Gli auguri della Community BBS. Bologna Business School. Green Management and Sustainable Businesses, Sustainability Transition Management (Part-time), Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for business, Business Sustainability & Circular Economy. Rome Business School is a school member of the Planeta de Agostini Group, with more than than 100.000 students of over 150 nationalities. Eugenio Sidoli, Senior Executive and Independent Board Member, member of the Advisory Board of Bologna Business School and Mentor for the Hybrid MBA, tells us, in this interview, what it means for him to be a Mentor at BBS. A Mentor at BBS. TRASFORMA LE TUE AMBIZIONI IN PROGETTI CONCRETI. To strengthen the sense of belonging and closeness, we released the new BBS Alumni Community: a renewed digital platform dedicated to all students, Alumni and Faculty of Bologna Business School. Per rafforzare il senso di appartenenza e vicinanza, nasce la nuova BBS Alumni Community: una piattaforma digitale rinnovata dedicata a tutti gli studenti, Alumni e Faculty di Bologna Business School. 02095311201, Quarantalks Merry Xmas. The objective of the Master is to provide a broader preparation to identify potentialities and solutions linked to the use of AI for the growth of the business, while promoting a global revolution that requires more and more professionals able to support a purely background technical managerial preparation. Gli Alumni di BBS si raccontano: il prima, il dopo e i ricordi della vita da studente, per una storia di sè e della propria esperienza professionale, per … MBA degrees offered by international business schools may offer specific study tracks in Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, Health Care, Public Administration, Marketing or … University of Bologna - In partnership with ICN Busines School (France), La Salle Mexico (Mexico), MGIMO Moscou (Russia), ECUST Shanghai (China), Uppsala (Sweden) et l’UFRGS (Brazil)

Angela Rafanelli Padre, Test Ammissione Bocconi Giurisprudenza, Giro In Mountain Bike, L'onorevole Nino D'angelo Testo, In Spite Of Everything, Film Netflix Fantascienza, Un Malato Di Cuore Testo, 17 Gennaio Festa Mondiale,