4. However, according to … Amnesty International’s monitoring of the global use of the death penalty in 2019 showed that the number of known executions decreased slightly on the 2018 total, continuing the year-on-year reduction recorded since 2015 and reaching the lowest figure in more than 10 years. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. In a long overdue move, Greece passed legislation to recognize that sex withou… Amnesty International has also been holding the New Zealand Government to account on its human rights record via the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process, which happens every four years. Registered office 17-25 New Inn Yard London EC2A 3EA. If you are talented and passionate about human rights then Amnesty International wants to hear from you. Il mondo sta raccogliendo i terribili frutti della retorica intrisa d’odio che ha dominato nelle politiche di leader mondiali come al-Sisi, Duterte, Maduro, Putin, Trump e Xi. But thousands of people languish on death row around the world. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL KENYA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT. In these eleven stories of Not Enough Impact, we celebrate the gains the movement has made in the last year, and the brave people that have helped make them possible. Climate change activist Greta Thunberg and the Fridays for Future movement of schoolchildren were honoured with Amnesty International’s Ambassador of Conscience Award 2019. If you are talented and passionate about human rights then Amnesty International wants to hear from you. Kerstkaarten Amnesty International. Amnesty International Jahresbericht 2018 Hass-Rhetorik und staatlich geschürte Ausgrenzung Der aktuellen Jahresbericht zu Lage der Menschenrechte weltweit.Der Bericht zeigt, wie sich eine Rhetorik des Hasses und staatlich geschürter Ausgrenzung auf die Menschen auswirkt – von Myanmar über Polen bis nach Österreich. In a new report, Beyond law enforcement: human rights violations by Ethiopian security forces in Amhara and Oromia, Amnesty documents how security forces committed grave violations between December 2018 and December 2019, despite reforms which led to the release of thousands of detainees, expansion of the civic and political space and repeal of draconian laws - such as the Anti … Amnesty International’s monitoring of the global use of the death penalty in 2019 showed that the number of known executions decreased slightly on the 2018 total, continuing the year-on-year reduction recorded since 2015 and reaching the lowest figure in more than 10 years. Saudi Arabia executed a record number of people in 2019, despite an overall decline in executions worldwide, Amnesty International said in its 2019 global review of the death penalty published … Permissions Amnesty International Vlaanderen vzw Goffartstraat 32 1050 Brussel Ingang en onthaal: Waversesteenweg 169 1050 Brussel T: +32 2 669 37 37 onthaal@amnesty-international.be Rek. Die Meinungsfreiheit geriet 2017 noch stärker unter Druck. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue. That Report Card highlights the federal government’s welcome support for Bill C-262, a private member’s bill to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that is now before the Senate. Since taking office in April 2018, his government released dozens of arbitrarily detained journalists and bloggers. Privacy Policy Sämtliche Länder-Kapitel für den Berichtszeitraum 2019 werden an dieser Stelle in den nächsten Wochen nach und nach online gestellt. We fought to end the death penalty in many countries. Death Penalty 2018: Report Death penalty 2018: Dramatic fall in global executions In our 2018 global review of the death penalty, global executions have fallen by almost one-third last year to the lowest figure in at least a decade. Show them humanity's on their side by sending a message of support. Privacy Policy | Samen strijden we voor mensenrechten en tegen onrecht. 21 April 2020, Index number: ACT 50/1847/2020. The Amnesty International Report 2017/18 documents the state of the world’s human rights in 159 countries and territories during 2017. Het jaarverslag 2018 van Amnesty International Nederland, inclusief de volledige jaarrekening en een overzicht van de hoogtepunten van 2018. Amnesty International United Kingdom Section. www.amnesty.org Where material is attributed to a copyright owner other than Amnesty International this material is not subject to the Creative Commons licence. Amnesty International is een wereldwijde beweging van meer dan 7 miljoen mensen in 150+ landen. While the findings remain shocking, it is the events such as those highlighted in the report that galvanised people across the world to stand up in the face of adversity and make their voices heard. | Saudi Arabia: Loujain al-Hathloul's sentencing, partially suspended, is still cruel, China: Hong Kong youths held in mainland China must get fair trial, Ethiopia: At least 100 dead in latest surge of violence against ethnic minorities. More importantly, we take the opportunity to reflect on what is still to be done, and the people who persist in the face of injustice. Ook wij voelen ons verwant met de kerstboodschap van naastenliefde en vrede, dus dat kerstkaarten Amnesty International bijzonder aanspreken mag geen verrassing heten. Cookie Statement BE 0418.308.243 RPR Brussel Kenya is a much safer space today compared to 1948 when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was agreed. Amnesty Report 2019. 2018 Report Card 37 2019 Recommendations 40 JUSTICE, POLICING, NATIONAL SECURITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS 44 2018 Report Card 44 2019 Recommendations 45 CANADA ON THE WORLD STAGE: Implementing international obligations, advancing rights-based foreign policy 53 2018 Report Card 53 2019 Recommendations 57 2018 REPORT CARD SUMMARY 63 Your choice regarding cookies on this site nr. The Fridays for Future movement was started by Greta, a teenager from Sweden who in August 2018 decided to miss school every Friday and instead protest outside the Swedish parliament, until it took more serious action to tackle climate change. Significantly, this decrease was reported despite Iraq nearly doubling its tally and Saudi Arabia having its highest executions total in any given year. ii AMNESTY iRELAND ANNUAL REPORT CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 IRELAND SAYS YES 2 BRAVE 4 I WELCOME 6 YOUTH ACTIVISM for women painted on her face during a 8 ACTIVISM AND LOCAL GROUPS Séan MacBride House, 13 LOOK BACK AT 2018 12 FUNDRAISING REPORT 2018 10 FINANCIAL REPORT 2019 15 FOLLOWED BY THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE PAPERS Amnesty … We have audited the financial report of Amnesty International Australia (the Company), which comprises the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2018, the statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, ... 18 May 2019 . Pena di morte 2018: gli stati dove sono aumentate le esecuzioni. Milioni di persone sono a rischio a causa delle loro spietate politiche.. A documentarlo è il lavoro di ricerca raccolto nel Rapporto Annuale 2017 di Amnesty International, edito in Italia da Infinito edizione. “Defenders of human rights around the world can look to the people of the United States to stand with them, even where the US government has failed. Conflict, austerity measures and natural disasters pushed many into deeper poverty and insecurity; millions were forced to flee their homes and seek refuge elsewhere in their own countries or across international borders. Amnesty International Amnesty International Menu Main menu Main menu CLOSE Who We Are How we're run Jobs & internships What We Do Countries Get Involved Take Action Join Volunteer Donate ... Impact Report 2018/2019. DEATH SENTENCES AND EXECUTIONS 2018 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1,000s 253+ 149 85+ 52+ 43+ 25 15 14+ 13 EXECUTING COUNTRIES IN 2018 This map indicates the general locations of boundaries and jurisdictions and Permissions Published by Billy Omondi at April 26, 2019. Auch mehreren UN-Menschenrechtsgremien wurde die Einreise verweigert, darunter der UN-Sonderberichterstatterin über die Menschenrechtssituation im Iran, deren Mandat im März 2019 vom UN-Menschenrechtsrat verlängert wurde. Refunds of donations. April 20, 2020 • Report Death penalty 2019: Global executions fell by 5%, hitting a 10-year low. Die "Amnesty International Regional Reports" geben Auskunft über die Lage der Menschenrechte in allen Regionen der Welt. You can use this tool to change your cookie settings. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Nel nostro rapporto, però, non vi sono solo buone notizie. They now could face up to life in prison. Research April 10, 2019 2:00 am Amnesty International Global Report: Death Sentences and Executions 2018. First published in 2019 by Amnesty International Ltd Peter Benenson House, 1 Easton Street, London WC1X 0DW, UK Index: MDE 01/9433/2019 Original language: English amnesty.org | | Your choice regarding cookies on this site Sämtliche Länder-Kapitel für den Berichtszeitraum 2019 werden an dieser Stelle in den nächsten Wochen nach und nach online gestellt. Amnesty International has released its annual review of countries using the death penalty, finding that 2018 saw a 31% decline in executions, meaning they reached their lowest level in a … We helped to convince 16 countries to better protect environmental defenders, But many still face intimidation, violence and even death because of their work, We campaigned to pass laws protecting LGBTIQ rights, But laws aren’t always enforced and anti-LGBTIQ stigma and abuse persists, We supported more refugees than ever before through community sponsorship, But governments continue to demonise, punish and reject asylum seekers, We revealed the scale of abuse targeted at women online, But social media platforms are still failing to properly prevent or address it, We fought against harmful austerity measures in Spain - and won, But cuts to public services around the world continue to harm the most vulnerable, We took the UK to court to halt illegal surveillance, But governments around the world still use technology to target critics, Almost 7 million of us took action for human rights everywhere, But we need to do more to ensure that our movement includes everyone, We helped advance accountability for Myanmar’s military, But older people are still ignored amid the country’s conflicts and mass displacement, We helped to reverse the decision to pardon Peru’s former President, But many perpetrators of state-sanctioned violence still evade justice and accountability, We helped stop Google from using its search engine to enable censorship and surveillance in China, But big tech must still accept the responsibility it has to stop censorship.
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